Traveling overseas is more beneficial than a college degree, by Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a successful entrepreneur who believes exploring culture, business, and trends plays an important role in his life.

Traveling overseas has long been considered a valuable experience, offering opportunities to explore new cultures, learn new languages, and gain a better understanding of the world around us. However, the idea that traveling is more beneficial than a college degree is a controversial one, and is a topic that has been debated by experts in the field. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, a successful entrepreneur who believes exploring culture, business, and trends plays an important role in his life, argues that traveling overseas is more valuable than obtaining a college degree. In this blog, we will examine this argument and explore the benefits and drawbacks of both travel and education.

The Benefits of Traveling Overseas

One of the most significant benefits of traveling overseas is the opportunity to explore new cultures and gain a deeper understanding of different ways of life. Exposure to new ideas and perspectives can help to broaden one’s understanding of the world and develop greater empathy and cultural awareness. This can be particularly valuable in today’s globalized world, where businesses and organizations operate on a global scale.

In addition to cultural immersion, traveling can also offer opportunities to learn new languages and gain practical skills. For example, a trip to a foreign country can provide an opportunity to practice language skills and learn about different customs and practices. Travel can also provide hands-on experiences that are difficult to replicate in a classroom setting, such as learning about sustainable farming practices or studying marine life in its natural habitat.

Another advantage of travel is the opportunity to develop personal and professional networks. By meeting new people and building relationships, travelers can gain valuable insights into different cultures and industries, and potentially open up new business opportunities.

The Benefits of a College Degree

While travel offers many unique benefits, it’s important to remember that a college degree can also provide valuable knowledge and skills. A degree provides structured education and training in a particular field of study and can help to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. It also provides access to opportunities such as internships, research projects, and networking, which can be critical in launching a successful career.

A college degree can also offer a sense of achievement and validation and a credential that can be valuable in the job market. In many industries, a degree is a prerequisite for entry-level positions and can provide a competitive edge over other candidates.

Finally, obtaining a college degree can offer a sense of intellectual and personal growth, as students are exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking. This can help to develop a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of complex issues.

The Drawbacks of Travel and Education

While both travel and education offer many benefits, it’s important to acknowledge that there are also potential drawbacks to each. Travel can be expensive, and may not be accessible to everyone due to financial or logistical barriers. Additionally, travel can be unpredictable, and travelers may encounter unexpected challenges such as illness or safety concerns.

Similarly, obtaining a college degree can be time-consuming and expensive, and may not always lead to a guaranteed job or career success. Additionally, the traditional college education system may not be suited to everyone’s learning style or goals.

Ultimately, the decision to travel or pursue a college degree depends on individual circumstances and goals. While travel can offer unique experiences and opportunities for personal and professional growth, a college degree can provide structured education and specialized knowledge that is highly valued in many industries. Both can be valuable tools for personal and professional development, and it’s up to each individual to decide which path is best for them.


In conclusion, while Bilal Ahmad Bhat argues that traveling overseas is more beneficial than a college degree, the reality is that both can offer valuable experiences and knowledge. Travel can provide exposure to new cultures, hands-on learning experiences, and personal and professional networks. A college degree, on the other hand, offers structured education and specialized