Emotional Plea for Fair Pricing: Syed Basharat Hussain Calls on Jammu & Kashmir Shopkeepers to Keep Prices Affordable for Eid al-Adha

Srinagar, June 18, 2024: As we approach the festive season of Eid al-Adha, Syed Basharat Hussain (Moosa), a prominent socioeconomic political activist, has made an impassioned plea to shopkeepers across Jammu & Kashmir. Recognizing the recurring issue of price hikes during festivals, Hussain has urged merchants to keep prices as low as possible, particularly for essential items like meat, chicken, vegetables, bakery goods, and garments.

In a heartfelt message, Hussain appealed to the sense of responsibility and community spirit of local shopkeepers. “Every festival season, we witness a surge in prices, which puts an unnecessary burden on the common people,” he said. “As responsible citizens, it is our duty to ensure that everyone can celebrate without financial stress. I urge all shopkeepers to play their part in keeping prices reasonable.”

Speaking to several media outlets over the phone, Hussain emphasized the importance of community solidarity and compassion during these challenging times. He conveyed his heartfelt greetings to the Muslim Ummah for Eid al-Adha and extended warm holiday wishes to the non-Muslim community as well.

“Let us celebrate Eid al-Adha with simplicity and humility,” he urged. “By keeping our celebrations modest, we can support those who are less fortunate and in need of our help. This is a time for unity, empathy, and generosity.”

Hussain’s plea is particularly poignant given the economic hardships many are facing. The rising costs of essential commodities during festivals often lead to increased financial strain on families, overshadowing the joy of the celebrations. His call to action is a reminder that the true spirit of Eid lies in giving and sharing, rather than in extravagant displays.

“Stay healthy and safe, and let us all contribute to making this Eid a time of true blessing for everyone,” Hussain concluded. “Thank you all for your cooperation and understanding.”

As the festive season approaches, Hussain’s message resonates deeply with many who hope for a more equitable and compassionate society. His call for fair pricing is a step towards ensuring that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can partake in the joy and blessings of Eid al-Adha.

The community now looks to the shopkeepers of Jammu & Kashmir to respond to this appeal with generosity and responsibility, making this Eid a memorable and inclusive celebration for all.