What are the pro’s and con’s of an elevator pitch?


Pros of an Elevator Pitch:

  1. Time-saving: An elevator pitch is designed to be delivered in a short amount of time, making it a quick and efficient way to get your message across.
  2. Opportunity to stand out: A well-executed elevator pitch can set you apart from the competition and help you make a lasting impression on potential investors, customers, or partners.
  3. Focused message: By having a limited amount of time to pitch, you are forced to focus on the key benefits of your idea or product and present them in a compelling way.
  4. Improving public speaking skills: Pitching your idea or product in a high-pressure situation can help you develop your public speaking skills and increase your confidence.


Cons of an Elevator Pitch:


  1. Limited time for details: With only a short amount of time to deliver your pitch, you may not be able to fully explain the intricacies of your idea or product.
  2. Lack of personal connection: An elevator pitch can sometimes come across as impersonal, making it harder to establish a personal connection with the audience.
  3. High pressure: Delivering a pitch in a short amount of time can be nerve-wracking and stressful, especially for those who are new to public speaking.
  4. Over-simplifying: By trying to simplify your idea or product to fit into a short pitch, you may inadvertently oversimplify it, leaving out important details or context.


In conclusion, an elevator pitch has both advantages and disadvantages. By being aware of these pros and cons, entrepreneurs can use this tool effectively to get their message across and secure the support they need to bring their ideas to life.